Wednesday, February 25, 2009 9:45 PM I'm sitting here all alone, without a look out the window knowing it's a sad day. Days just pass by, and before you know yesterday already left, and I'm stuck with today.. What can I do about it? Nothing, because time is something, you cannot change. Have you ever wished you can turn back time or skip a day, I'm sure you have, 'cause I did too. Life is full with lots of regret, pain and disasters. But avoiding them is impossible. Never mess with the time, never try to move forward or backward, you can't stop time, 'cause in the end it will be you who stopped. I'm sitting in my bed with my laptop, staring.. Thinking what I can do, to make this go faster or slower.. But no one will give you the chance to re-do your day, that is how you learn from your mistakes. What would you do if you could turn back time? Or skip days, would a girl skip her period days? Would a boy turn back time to Februari 13th because he forgot to buy a gift for his girlfriend? Would you turn back time to stop your brother from going to the supermarket meeting his gangsterfriends knowing that one of his friends which you have an affair with, will get beat up by your brother and knowing that another friend will shoot down your brother which leads to rumors that your brother and the guy you had an affair with were gay and had a fight because of you? Maybe you will, but you have to realize that you should not start the affair, which lead to your brother beating him up and your brother ending up in the hospital and those rumors. Those are the mistakes you made and you should learn from it, and I know, life is very complicated. But after making your mistakes, you should be able to change and avoid it the next time, if you can't, than that will be your lost, but make mistakes as much as you can, as long as you will realize those are to learn and not to be ashamed of, I know you've might wondered where this story came from, maybe I've been watching too much Desperate Housewives lately, yes, that's true. But that's not the reason, Now you might think that I have too much time to type this, and yes, that's the reason, I've been bored to dead these two days and I'm looking forward to finally wake up and go out of this house, which is too big for me when I'm here alone. xoxo Lindsay 0 Love & Comments |
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